Doctor Who: 10 Times The Ninth Doctor Totally Owned Everyone

A Time Lord with attitude.

By WhatCulture /

In honour of 10 years of NuWho (also known as 10 years of Whovian heart(s) being broken beyond repair!), here is something for you lot to think about. What do you think best defines the Ninth Doctor? Is it the fact that he "dances"? The fact that he's the Oncoming Storm? Or is it the idea that he's best shipped away with everybody's favourite companion (whenever she€™s not wandering off, that is!), Rose Tyler? Or, for the anti-Rose fans, is it the fact he 'got his North out' more than all of the other Doctors? When you think about it, he€™s the one who€™s got the greatest burns in the entire history of time and space. No, really. The Ninth Doctor is officially the gutsiest Doctor there ever was, or is (because they never actually stop existing... timey-wimey stuff!). Jackie, Ricky - err, Mickey, the Slitheen, and basically anyone who€™s been in a nine-inch radius of him (geddit?) has managed to be blown off their high horse with a soldering insult even the Fourth Doctor would approve of. So, here€™s a list featuring some of his greatest burns, and as always, feel free to use them to ward off any and all 'foreigners' (not actual foreigners, of course - aliens!). Get ready for 10 times the Ninth Doctor totally owned everyone. He really was fantastic!
