Doctor Who: 10 Ultimate Martha Jones Moments

Calling Dr Jones...

By Dan Butler /

It's hard to believe that it's now been 8 whole years (just count 'em!) since Freema Agyeman made her Whoniversal debut (OK, so she actually made it the year before when she guest starred in Series 2's Army of Ghosts as Adeola, but that doesn't really count, OK!?) but it comes as further proof that time really does fly when you're having fun. The former Crossroads star (don't worry, we never watched it either!) stepped aboard the TARDIS as Martha Jones on Saturday 31st March 2007 and she wasted no time in establishing herself as one of the show's most popular companions to date. Well, as far as the fans were concerned, anyway. The Doctor himself never really seemed all that bothered. He was far too busy being hung up on his recent loss of Rose Tyler to acknowledge Martha as a bonafide human being in her own right which meant that her tenure aboard the TARDIS was even more turbulent than most when she spent most of it trying to escape the shadow of her persistent predecessor. She came through in the end, though, and to commemorate 8 years since she became a household name, here are 10 memorable moments that helped to define Martha Jones as one of the Doctor's most beloved companions in history. She's Dr Martha Jones. Who the hell are you?
