Doctor Who: 10 Unbeatable Doctor/Companion Duos

Two heroes are always better than one.

By Terry Warner /

Despite the various changes that the 51 year old franchise has gone through, there are some constants that remain throughout much of Doctor Who. There's obviously the TARDIS, the travels in time and space and the Daleks, but crucially the show has always had the Doctor teamed with a companion or companions. The Doctor doesn't like to travel alone, taking his own granddaughter with him when he first fled Gallifrey all those centuries ago. Since then, the Doctor has acquired a plethora of travelling friends, some against his will, some by circumstance and many by choice. He's travelled with aliens, robots and humans from throughout history. Some have left him to go on to great things, others to simply resume their lives while a few have succumbed to the danger that being with the Doctor brings with it. No one who has been in the TARDIS leaves quite the same person. Over the years, some companions have made a bigger impact than others and formed a real bond with the Time Lord. On other occasions, something about this friend brings out the best in the Doctor or sometimes the Doctor takes an extra special interest in the development of one of his co-travellers. Though the Doctor is one to call all his companions his 'best friend', there are those privileged few who really earn that accolade and go on to form a more enduring legacy. Throughout the series, arising from either the chemistry of the actors or the quality of the scripts, some Doctor/Companion partnerships are better than others. Here's the top 10.
