Doctor Who: 10 Weird Things The Doctor Keeps In His Pockets

Because you never know when you might need a Jelly Baby.

By Joel Cornah /

€œWhat have I got in my pocket?€ Bilbo Baggins famously asks of Gollum. Armature that he is, Bilbo had nothing in said pocket but a magic ring which held the fate of the world and had the potential to bring on an age of darkness. The Doctor has five such items knocking about the TARDIS... probably. It was something of a running joke in the original series that the Doctor€™s pockets were full of an increasingly odd assortment of items. Indeed, whenever the Doctor is captured and searched, the pile of things taken from his pockets is well worth a look if you€™re willing to pause and take a gander. In these modern times of everything you could ever need being on our phones/cameras/internet machines/just about anything, it€™s good to remember the times there wasn't €œan app for that€. So, this list will highlight some of the more memorable highlights of the Doctor€™s unusual pocket adventures. Some are reoccurring, some are one off's but they're always an interesting insight into the Doctor€™s character. The knick-knacks and gadgets, the hobbies and the useful bits and pieces (and the equally useless bits and pieces), they€™re all here. The Sonic Screwdriver hasn't been included, either. Surely that's a given?