Doctor Who: 10 Worst Episodes Of Nu Who

By Audrey Fox /

In my opinion, the revival of Doctor Who has been unusually consistent in quality. It's really, really good far more often than it's not. But nothing's perfect, and every once in while there's an utterly misguided crapfest. And that's ok, Doctor happens to the best of us. These subpar episodes usually end up being what we would call filler episodes, either between two-parters or one of the episodes that doesn't incorporate the series arc into the storyline. While the big dogs are busy making sure that the big set pieces of the series are all functioning properly, far less attention (not to mention money) is given to the standalones. Luckily, with Doctor Who even the poor episodes are usually watchable. The production values are generally high and there aren't major issues with the quality of guest actors like there were in the golden days of Classic Who (Rick James, I'm looking at you). There's just a certain something missing. Of course, if you listen to Doctor Who fans, we'll tell you that these episodes represent everything that's wrong with modern Who and it's the nadir of the series and we'd better enjoy it while it lasts because according to the viewing figures the show is going to be cancelled any day now. We tend to have a flair for the dramatic. That's why the Master and Jon Pertwee's outfits are so popular. Anyway, I submit to you what I consider to be the ten worst episodes of Doctor Who since being brought back in 2005. As always, your mileage may vary.