Doctor Who: 5 More Potential Masters For Peter Capaldi's 12th Doctor

By Sam Orchard /

Since David Tennant's final appearance in the End of Time in 2010, The Master, the archenemy of The Doctor, has not been seen or heard from in any story or spoken by any character since. And Steven Moffat, the head writer of Doctor Who, has said nothing to ease fans fears that one of the most endearing and entertaining characters in the new revived series will not return to the small screen. But if he were to return, would John Simm carry on the role, or would potentially a regeneration occur, leading to a whole new Master for the Doctor to contend with? He has to be manic, he has to be smart, and he has to give the chilling vision of a man twisted with power... and only a few actors can achieve that. In the opinion of the writer, the following five candidates tick the right boxes, and hit the right targets, required to play the most villainous Time Lord ever created. (And yes we have just posted another article from a WC writer on this topic... but my choices don't overlap and deserve consideration).