Doctor Who: 5 Reasons To Watch The Ark In Space

Celebrating the Wirrn.

By Adam Livermore /

One of the many great things about being a fan of a show that's been running for more than fifty years is that there's often an anniversary to celebrate from some part of it or other, be it the birthday of a favourite actor, the date of a Doctor leaving the show to be replaced by another or simply a brilliant episode reaching a milestone. On the 25th January, it'll be the latter, as the second story of Tom Baker's reign will be 40 years old. Despite its age, there's still a lot about it to enjoy and love - after all, it frequently appears near the top of 'favourite episode' polls, and there's got to be a reason for that, right? It has creepy villains, a great atmosphere, good performances - all the ingredients of a bonafide classic. It even has the support of a couple of key creators of the revived series so there's a lot of appeal for newer fans. For those who are already fans of the Classic Series, well, it's pretty much widely regarding as being one of the best of the bunch. With its anniversary coming up there's no better time to settle down with a cup of tea and some jelly babies and stick this on your television or computer screen - and here are 5 reasons why, just in case you need anymore convincing.
