Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: 5 Things That Should Definitely Happen (But Probably Won't)

By John McGrath /

Well, the title really says it all. We're technically IN the 50th anniversary year now of Doctor Who, and while a lot of the surprises and celebrations are still to come or be announced, it's a safe bet SOME things will happen. (For instance, David Tennant: your cagey avoidances about returning are simply registering a "Yes" to fans.) However, some things simply WON'T happen. And I really do believe that there will be some VERY memorable occasions to mark the year (Mark Gatiss' drama showing the beginnings of the show and Gaiman's Cyberman reinvention are early indications that things will only get more exciting). But sadly, there are some ideas that I have to consign to the "Don't Get Your Hopes Up" bin, lest I just set myself up for massive disappointment. And let it be said, these are REASONABLE expectations. So, no "Time War" movies here, no "One Episode each with a past Doctor", and no "Matt Smith travels with all past Doctors and K9 to fight the Daleks" tripe. And if anyone's said they absolutely are NOT coming back, then I'm not reversing that decision for my speculation. (Sorry 9/Eccleston Fans. I'm so sorry.) My model for this is actually the 20th anniversary year. That has REASONABLE expectations: Hommages/nods to the past during the broadcast year, a major fan event, and an Anniversary special on the very day. And even then, I'm not going to presume a "The Five Doctors" style bash for that special. (For those who haven't seen it, Doctors 2,3,5, and someone who looks like 1 and old footage of 4 deal with Gallifreyan shenanigans that include Daleks, Cybermen, the Master, Yeti, and K9. Also, lots of companions and 80's fashion issues) For those unfamiliar, the 20th anniversary year had "something old/returning in every story". But even then, the "returning" element wasn't necessarily the main event - "Enlightenment", for example, was a great story that just happened to have the Black and White Guardians from 4/Tom Baker's time. "Mawdryn Undead" had the 2nd/3rd/4th Doctor veteran companion Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart come back, but the story didn't need it to be him (Nor was it supposed to be - read on....) Now, there will be some kind of Doctor-with-Doctor action, I'm sure. But even then, I'm not going to hinge on Tom Baker bickering with Sylvester McCoy while Tennant quips about Colin Baker's coat with Matt Smith. I'm restricting that to one and a half speculations, as there's so many other great ways to honor this show....I'm just afraid none of these will happen. And that's sad, because really, it'd be hard to mess these up, and fans can be terribly niggling with expectations. (Admit it, if Paul McGann or Tom Baker DID show up, but NOT as the Doctor, you'd have a fit. Or feel let down) So with these, I look at ideas that really, honestly, could happen. And they aren't reliant on unlikely plot twists or story arcs, nor are they longshots betting on cast lists or substantial plot arcs that simply won't happen. And such are my tempered expectations that there are lesser, related things that could happen instead that would equally thrill me. I'll note those, along with the tame alternatives that I feel are sure things. So, here goes....