Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: Top 5 Ten/Eleven Clash Wish List

By Maxx Obejero /

David Tennant and Matt Smith in one episode? "The mind races, does it not?", to quote my favorite Pond. After BBC confirmed that there will indeed be a 50th Anniversary special of it, we now know the inevitable (I would've preferred not knowing, as River would likely agree with a "Spoilers..."). Fans, since falling in love with Ten and getting over losing him with the newest lovable madman with a box, will have undoubtedly daydreamed of endless story lines where both Doctors are concerned. Imagine how much fun the quirky hyperactive Eleven and the equally (some might say MORE) awesome Ten-nant would have on screen. And how the fans would most probably Devlin themselves (yes, that is an Adam Sandler movie reference). So what would truly be fan-gratifying to watch and discover in the slowly creeping up 50th Anniversary Special?

5. Eleven-Clara And Ten-Donna And The Ponds

A good movie might even come out of it. Those 7 alone in an episode would be the definition of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey. Enter the Weeping Angels and we have havoc! There is no doubt that this has the potential of a "Special", all it needs is a little reunion "Journey's End" style and we're all set for another exciting Doctor/s and friends adventure time (yeah, corny but admit it, we all love corny Doctor episodes), minus the Doctor's sadness in the end of the episode. It might not be a realistic 50th Anniversary full featured story, but this would make a very good prequel episode to the real thing, ensuring the Ponds' presence in the Anniversary special at least. Who wouldn't want that?!