Doctor Who: 9 Greatest Stories Not Yet Adapted

By Colleen Cunha /

In the 32 years of Doctor Who that a variety of producers, actors, and writers have brought us, we have seen a lot of human history (not always human actually) and had a number of glimpses into the future. Episodes like "Tooth and Claw" involved Queen Victoria and a werewolf, "Vincent and the Doctor" showed us Van Gogh being haunted by Krafayis (a predatory beast), and "The Fires of Pompeii" let us look at... well, Pompeii! There are a number of other history episodes and they stand out amongst the rest. Here are a few ideas for historical happenings that would make for great episode of Doctor Who!

9. Atlantis

This would be further down the list if Atlantis hadn't been done during classic Who (in episodes The Underwater Menace, The Daemons, and The Time Monster) but Matt Smith in Atlantis? It would be incredible! And the seventh Doctor once made a comment that three "Atlantises" exist and that he had visited them all. Maybe a fourth Atlantis? Or a visit to an Atlantis that he hasn't been to in thousands of years? Atlantis is so well known and accepted, it's perfect material for a journey with the Doctor. The fact that it's more of a legend than a historical moment gives the writers tons of room for creativity and a chance to interpret the story. The opportunities are endless!