Doctor Who: 9 Ways Of Accepting A Brand New Doctor

The show must go on.

By WhatCulture /

Despite the age old debate of €œWho's had it worse?€ between fans of Sherlock and Doctor Who, it's no wonder that the fans of Doctor Who have had it worse. Be it the excruciating wait for the next Christmas Special or the constant fear of withdrawal from the series, nothing compares to the pain of Whovians, who not only have to get used to a new story arc, but a new face altogether! All those years spent with "your" Doctor reach their heartbreaking climax when you set eyes on that news headline entitled, " Is Leaving Doctor Who". Even worse is "New Doctor Revealed", and you get angry and confused. One minute you're being swept off your feet by a simple "Run!" and the next... he's changing!? What is going on!? After a soul crushing few weeks of sheer denial and perplexity, though, you will end up realising that it€™s happened before and it happens all the time. There have been many people playing the Doctor before and there will be many people after, but how do you know if the new Doctor will live up to the indefinite standards of fish custard? How do you know the new Doctor won€™t ruin the best thing you€™ve ever had going for you? To put it plainly: you don€™t. Unfortunately, there€™s no easy way to say goodbye to your Doctor, let alone adapt to a new one. Even though it€™s happened too many times, you just can€™t get used to it. So, here are some ways on how to come to terms with the newer (or older, rather) face of NuWho.