Doctor Who Companions: Jo Grant

By Gwyn /

In Doctor Who, there are still many companions that are completely overlooked, or even heard of. Jo Grant is definitely one of the overlooked companions in Doctor Who. She may not have been as brilliant in science as Liz Shaw was, but her bubbly personality, and the ability to even make the Doctor cheer up makes up for that in epic proportion. I believe she is overlooked because simply because everyone instantly remembers Sarah Jane, and there are those who were fond of Liz Shaw. However, there are Jo Grant fans out there, and I can say I am one of those fans as well. And those who were fond of Jo, were fans of her for many reasons. In fact, there are those out there that would say Jo is on par with Sarah Jane, if not better. But I think it matters too, on what Doctor it is. Jo is the definitive Third Doctor companion. Sarah Jane can't be compared with her really since she only worked with Jon Pertwee's Doctor for only a season. Sarah with the Fourth Doctor however, is one tough act to follow. I think that is the case with Jo Grant regarding the Third Doctor era. This article will go into further detail about Jo, her introduction to the Doctor, and why she worked the best with the Third Doctor.