Doctor Who: Everything We Know About Revolution Of The Daleks

Let's get a shift on - The Daleks are coming back!

By Liz Barron /

There has been a lot of speculation around the upcoming Christmas episode of Doctor Who, Revolution of the Daleks, but not much confirmed. The cast and production company are being understandably very cagey about not wanting to ruin the surprises they no doubt have planned.


During the original run of the series, Christmas episodes were not commonplace, but since the revival in 2005 there have been 15, including iconic storylines such as Kylie Minogue as a waitress on the Titanic space cruiser, Catherine Tate's first outing as Donna Noble in The Runaway Bride, a meeting between the First and Twelfth Doctors, and some killer snowmen. There was also a remake of A Christmas Carol, and an episode where Santa Claus had to save people from evil alien brain-eating dream crabs!

The Christmas episode has also been the 'transition' episode for a lot of the Doctors, but this is rumoured not to be the case this time, although you never know what bombshells the producers have got planned!

Here is what we know about Revolution of the Daleks so far...

7. The Episode Follows On From The End Of Series 12

Revolution of the Daleks continues directly from the cliff-hanger ending of series 12, The Timeless Children, which saw the Doctor captured by the Judoon, who pulled her out of the TARDIS and transported to a maximum-security prison facility on an asteroid where she was sentenced to life imprisonment.


The companions are transported back to Earth in another TARDIS, where they are all left believing The Doctor is dead. The episode also revealed that The Doctor is the Timeless Child, who possesses unlimited powers of regeneration and the entirety of Time Lord civilisation was built upon her genetic code.

How will she escape? Who will save her? How will the companions even find out she is alive? So many questions!
