Doctor Who: Listen - 7 Failures Which Destroy The Story

A few problems the script writers really should listen to.

By Callum Shephard /

Broadcast this past weekend, Listen was the latest episode in Doctor Who to try and established just who Capaldi's incarnation of the iconic Time Lord truly is. From the manic beginnings with a lengthy regeneration story to a shocking ruthless streak in Into The Dalek, then some plain old silliness in Robot of Sherwood, series eight seems to be trying everything and anything. Listen now took things a step further, but with mixed results. While a chilling tale with excellent writing and direction for the most part, by the end just about everything falls to bits. Those already writing to complain in the comments section should know that this isn't slamming the episode as a whole, primarily the final act where the script goes completely off the rails. Yes, the bedroom scene was fantastic, yes the segments in the future were brilliantly done, but it's hardly a tale without a few obvious failings even at those points. It still could have worked but unfortunately the episode ultimately pulls a Lost, so that important conclusion with all the answers completely torpedoes this promising tale. If you want praise, go elsewhere, this is going to focus on a few obvious failings which seem to have gone over the heads of far too many members of the audience. Expect spoilers to follow, as here's the seven failings which destroy this story.