Doctor Who: Looking Back At The Alternate Doctors

By JG Moore /

A staple of Doctor Who is the huge number of different Doctors that we€™ve seen throughout the programme€™s fifty year history. Sometimes they€™re clones, sometimes they€™re alternate versions of him, and very rarely they€™re Victorian maths teachers who think they€™re the Doctor. And with the introduction of John Hurt as the newest Doctor, as part five of my monthly countdown to Doctor Who€™s fiftieth anniversary, we take a look back at the alternate Doctors...

1. Dr Who

Who Played Him? Peter Cushing When Did He Appear The non-canon films Dr Who And The Daleks and Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 AD in the 1960s This is definitely the Doctor that is most removed from the character as we know him. Rather than being a Time Lord from Gallifrey who chooses to be called the Doctor, he€™s a human scientist named Dr Who who invented a time machine called Tardis. Despite these massive changes to the character€™s backstory, Dr Who still bears some similarities to William Hartnell€™s Doctor and a terrific performance by Hammer Horror star Peter Cushing still makes watching this Doctor great fun so long as you don€™t take it too seriously and can accept the liberties that have taken with the character.