Doctor Who: Top 5 Greatest Pond Adventures

By Tom Buxton /

"You'll be there until the end of me." "Or vice versa..." As heartbreaking as it is to believe it, the time has finally come- Amy and Rory Pond will join their Time Lord-in-law for their final adventure aboard the TARDIS this week, as Doctor Who Series Seven's opening run reaches its devastating climax in The Angels Take Manhattan. Perhaps it will be the powers of the Weeping Angels which will tear the Doctor's two most faithful companions apart from our hero, or perhaps the lure of New York City will just prove too much for the budding couple? No matter how Steven Moffat handles the departure of Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill from his incarnation of the show, we can be sure that the Ponds will be heavily missed by fans across the world for months to come. Let's look at the positive side of things, though. In their three year run on Doctor Who, the Ponds have come leaps and bounds, featuring in countless brilliant episodes that have been heightened by fantastic writing for their characters and/or beautiful portrayals from their respective performers. As a celebration of the time of the Ponds on Who, we've compiled together their five greatest adventures on the BBC drama, looking back through Series Five, last year's season and the first five episodes of Series Seven for proof of just how brilliant these two allies of the Doctor have been in their tenure. Without further ado, then, let's put aside the tissues we've got ready for this Saturday, and instead recall the happy memories of the time Darvill and Gillan have spent entertaining us...