Doctor Who: Why The Casting Of The 12th Doctor Shouldn’t Be A Deal-Breaker

By JG Moore /

But I€™m getting off track here. My main point is that whoever the Twelfth Doctor is, we can€™t possibly know how well they€™ll do until we see the Regeneration scene at Christmas. And even if there are a few issues with the Twelfth Doctor€™s portrayal at first (After all, no actor fits into a role perfectly right from the off), the actor will be working with a crew of incredibly talented individuals that will help steer him/her towards settling into the role. So because we won't know who the Twelfth Doctor is until this evening and won't see that actor playing the character for another four and half months, planning to abandon the programme if a certain actor who you consider to not be a suitable Doctor is cast is a short-sighted move and betrays a lack of true interest in the programme. And although the programme is mainly about the Doctor, it's a large scale series that extends beyond just him, with several stories barely featuring him and some story arcs focussing on his companions or other elements such as Series 3's Mr Saxon arc being about the Master. So even if you don't like the new Doctor, there are still other elements that you'd miss out on by deciding to stop watching. People like those who are considering jumping ship if Capaldi is cast are in no way representative of the fandom as a whole but some Whovians have a tendency to react strongly and negatively to change. Let€™s not forget that when Matt Smith was revealed as the Eleventh Doctor in 2009, there was a minor but noticeable backlash against him with criticisms of his looks, age, and acting abilities. And it looks like the same will happen with whoever is cast as the Twelfth Doctor. What we need to remember is that whoever the new Doctor is, the programme will continue for years to come. They are one of many actors who have played and will play the character. And if this new Doctor (whoever he or she may be) does turn out to be a poor choice, another one will come along in a few years€™ time. This new Doctor heralds the next step in the evolution of Doctor Who and, as fans, the least we can do is hold our judgement and keep watching long enough to give them a chance.