Doctor Who: Why We Need Multiple Episode Stories

By Baz Greenland /

Doctor Who is forever reinventing itself. And that's okay. For a show that can be a comedy one week and horror the next, where the main actor can change every few years and supporting characters change year in, year out... Doctor Who continues to thrive on that change and stay as popular as ever. With the recent series seven (0r 33 if you're old school) Doctor changed it up again. Big 'movie of the week' themes and minimal arc was an interesting was to shake up the show's dynamic after the very heavy Silence / Doctor's death / River Song saga of series six. And for the most part, I felt it worked. We had a great variety of stories each week. Asylum of the Daleks, Hide and The Crimson Horror were three of my favourites...both had elements of horror but were so completely different too. I even have a big soft spot for Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. How can you not love the Doctor riding a triceratops? But there was also something missing for me...and that was the two parters / multiple episode stories of before. I think Doctor Who needs the mix of single tales and longer stories told over two or more weeks. Series seven went at such a break-neck pace that I sometime I felt I was left wanting more...or at least a little more time with certain characters. Here are three reasons why I think we need multiple episode stories in series eight....