Every BoJack Horseman TV Show & Movie Ranked Worst To Best

BoJack was in so much more than just a very famous TV show.

By Scott Banner /

The life of BoJack Horseman, as is the case with any other person, moved and changed throughout the years. He had happy years, albeit few of them, and years of crushing sadness, depression, and battles with addiction. There was little to no constant or consistency in his world.


The same thing could be said about his career by and large. He was made a household name thanks to Herb Kazzaz, but once his first hit was over, things got a lot tougher for him. He no longer rode on the coattails of one show's success.

Over the years, he starred in TV shows, from gritty and serious to ridiculous game shows, he made movies, some that earned him Oscar buzz and some that really didn’t, and some projects either never saw the light of day or didn’t even show his face.

In classic BoJack Horseman style, the works of the titular character’s career are a mix of silly and serious, and even though they aren’t real shows or movies outside of the fictional world of the Netflix megahit, some of them felt like it to the audience.

10. Ethan Around

The four core cast members of 'Horsin’ Around' had varied success after the show ended. BoJack went on to be a movie star, Sarah-Lynn was the biggest pop icon in the world, but Brad was stuck working in a hardware store in Seattle.


He always wanted to get back into acting however, and years later tried to get a 'Horsin’ Around' spin off, 'Ethan Around' off the ground. It would follow a grown up Ethan, and in a twist on the original show, he would be bringing up three little horse orphans.

The first time he had the idea, BoJack latched on in something of a bout of FOMO. He was intrigued because he loved 'Horsin’ Around' and didn't like the idea of not being involved, even though as a big movie star it was kind of beneath him now. It fell to Ana to let Ethan down not so gently.

In the wake of Sarah-Lynn’s death however, BoJack reignited the project, even in spite of the Horse dying in the series finale all those years ago. They were shooting the pilot when the young actress who played one of the horses told BoJack she wanted to be like him. This sent him into a panic attack and the contemplation of suicide before spending a year in Michigan. 'Ethan Around' never saw the light of day, and was never mentioned on the show again.
