Every Season Of Archer Ranked From Worst To Best

Could we get more Archer In Space please?

By Matt Thompson /

Can you believe Archer has been around for ten years?


Time flies when you're having fun with a TV series, and with Archer it seems like only yesterday that the employees of a fictional spy agency were slapping tin-foil swans out of each other's hand.

One of the big draws for the show's success has been (at least for the last six years) its ability to completely change and revamp the setting every season; taking eight unique characters and set them loose on a new world to cause chaos.

Once an animated office comedy set within a spy agency, has blossomed into a series where the series can be about literally anything. And on reflection, looking back at what the show once was the seminal episodes and seasons that stand out have given us fond memories.

With ten seasons behind it, and an eleventh on the way, it seems befitting to put each season in order of worst to best. The trouble is, how do you determine which of the ten seasons are the worst when they're all funny and unique in their own way?

For this list, we're looking at how each season stands on their own, and the content of their episodes. Whether it's character development, variety in settings and stories, or just which season has the most memorable escapades.

I realize the order of these entries might not sit well with some, but it's best not to take it so hard (phrasing BOOM!).

10. Season 9

What puts this season in last place?


After the brilliantly written Dreamland, it seemed anything was possible if you took the cast of Archer, shuffled their personalities a bit and dropped them in a completely different setting. Danger Island looked like it was another laugh riot, but something felt a little off about it.

Archer seasons work best when they blend variety, and Danger Island didn't seem to do that at all. As a result what we had was a season that whilst still fun, appeared as one giant blur. The season pays homage to the old American adventure drama "Tales of the Gold Monkey", which doesn't drum up as many memories for contemporary audiences, despite its visual aesthetic.

The character mix is interesting though; being one of Sterling's coma-dreams we expect this is his fantasies and imagination taking over. Character changes include turning Dr. Krieger into a talking parrot that doubles as a comedic sidekick, and the main antagonist of the series is a German accented Cyril Figgis who slowly unveils himself as a truly terrifying villain.

It's not pleasant, but it is fair to put Danger Island last in the list. If nothing else, it's the weakest of the three coma-seasons.
