Every Season Of Archer Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Season 6

Archer Lana

The sixth season returns to some familiar form after Archer Vice; throwing the gang back into a life of espionage only this time it's under the instruction of the CIA. This makes for some fun, entertaining bits, mainly making characters like Slater and Agent Hawley semi-recurring characters.

The sixth season is a banquet of various themes which follows the Archer seasonal thread, but also carries with it a slight dip in quality. Episodes like "Three To Tango" "Nellis" and "Achub Y Morfilod" host some of the most unique stories, but they're also the least memorable. When we compare these greater installments like "The Archer Sanction" or "Vision Quest" which see the hubris of the characters blossom under stressful circumstances.

The sixth season really leans into Sterling and Lana's relationship; now that they're parents, the question of whether or not they'll last forever is the focal point for almost five episodes. Which can get a little exhausting when they're both just screaming at each other.

The two-part season finale is obviously the highlight; seeing the characters shrunk to the size of bacteria and shot into a human being not only escalates the adventure, but logically makes for hilarious consequences.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!