Family Guy: Peter Griffin’s 10 Stupidest Moments

By K.J. Stewart /

Family Guy's Peter Griffin is an absolute idiot - of that there is no doubt. It's almost impossible to know where to begin with this article because the man has done so many utterly stupid things. Indeed, in the episode "Petarded", Peter participates in the MacArthur Fellows Program to see if he is a genius (ha!) and ends up performing so badly that he is officially declared mentally retarded (the show's words, not mine!). But I've given it a go anyway! I've looked at countless examples of Peter's stupidity and whittled it down to ten. Here are Peter Griffin's ten stupidest moments...

10. Thinking The Salesman Is An Answering Machine

In the episode "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein", a salesman knocks on the Griffins door and, unfortunately for Lois, Peter answers. The salesman manages to con Peter, which isn't remotely difficult, in to purchasing volcano insurance - in spite of the fact that there are no volcanoes anywhere near the Griffin's home town of Quahog. When Lois finds out that Peter used her rainy-day fund to purchase the phony insurance, she is furious and Peter recruits a Jewish man - Max Weinstein - to look over the papers. Max confirms that the insurance is fraudulent and the pair seek out the salesman to get Lois' money back. When Peter enters the salesman's office, he is clearly there but speaks as though he is an answering machine. Peter stupidly talks in to it, saying he "hates these things", unaware of the fact that the man is sat, quite literally, right in front of him.