Farscape: 10 Things We Want To See In The Film

It's coming back, and in movie form!

By Brian Chapman /

The biggest and most surprising science fiction news of the week is that Farscape is returning €“ and not only that, it€™s coming back as a full length feature film with a plot that could potentially launch a new series. It had been rumoured some weeks ago, but the show€™s creator Rockne S. O'Bannon confirmed the film was in the very early stages at a panel last weekend at WonderCon. This must be sweet news for Farscape fans, who previously showed their resolve by successfully petitioning to bring back their cancelled show in 2004 for a brief miniseries called The Peacekeeper Wars. A key quote from one fan back then is that they hoped that one day that the 1999 to 2003 series would be known as €œFarscape: The Original Series€, a reference to the longevity of the Star Trek franchise. Much like Firefly, Farscape is another series that has picked up steam after cancellation - partly by association, as the two main actors, Ben Browder and Claudia Black, both play significantly important (and fan favourite) roles in the final seasons of Stargate SG-1, so any Farscape relaunch could be expected to bring those fans on board too. SG-1 even featured a spoof Farscape scene in its anniversary episode to cement the connection between the two series. The new film seems set to take the continuity set by the comic books following The Peacekeeper Wars, but set it further forward into the future. D€™Argo (the son of John Crichton and Aeryn Sun, whose birth was seen at the end of The Peacekeeper Wars) turns 19, having been hidden his entire life by his parents on Earth after displaying unusual abilities that would be sought by the galactic powers. The film is set as his parents decide to take him back into space. But with a set up like that, it leaves the door completely open for what might be included in the new film €“ and more importantly€ could this lead to Farscape: The Next Generation? Read on to find out!