Fear The Walking Dead - 8 Talking Points From The Premiere

Did the spin-off's debut live up to the massive hype and anticipation?

By Brad Hamilton /

To the no doubt eternal gratitude of those who've been suffering zombie withdrawals, AMC returned with a fix with the spin-off of their smash hit series. Fear The Walking Dead features an entirely new cast of characters in a different setting, which takes place slightly before the events of its sister series. While the minds behind the original show have been very vocal about the fact that the upcoming sixth season is going to follow Robert Kirkman's comic storyline more closely than ever before, that's not the case with FTWD. This grants the creative team a chance to play in the massive sandbox that exists within this universe without having to adhere to any expectations previously set by the source material. That freedom is good news for everyone. Inevitably, anticipation is high on the back of The Walking Dead's ratings and pulling power, but there's some concern that this may oversaturate the market if it isn't a hit, especially considering the fate of other spin-offs that were spawned by successful shows such as Criminal Minds and NCIS. So, should you be excited or were anxieties fed? Did Fear The Walking Dead live up to the massive hype and satisfy viewers' hunger for all things undead, or did it shamble along like a slowly decaying walker on its last legs?