Game Of Thrones: 10 Storylines That Should Have Been Cut

A Girl Had No Direction

By Simon Gallagher /


At one point, it looked like any claim that Game Of Thrones wasn't a flawless masterpiece would lead to armies of angry, pitch-fork carrying fans baying for blood. Up until that final season, the majority of episodes were stunning achievements in spectacle and story-telling that have redefined what TV show-making can be and the poor patches were few and far between.


Then the finale happened and everyone lost their heads. A lot of them unduly, but that's an argument for another time. But the worst thing was the revisionist view that the show hadnt made mistakes until that final season. When that's far from the truth.

Even before that, there were poor decisions, poor casting decisions and plot holes and mistakes all the way through the show's earlier seasons and worst of all, there have been entire sub-plots that really weren't up to the quality of the rest of the show.


Like the White Walkers taking an unfeasible amount of time to walk in a straight line to get to The Wall, there have been some ponderous, preposterous detours along the way in the past. And looking back, you'd probably have to admit that the show would be better, quicker and more finessed if they'd been cut out entirely.

And if that means dropping entire characters, then so be it...
