Game Of Thrones: 5 Character Endings That Will Not Be The Same As The Books

Surely the books will be better, right?

By Scott Banner /

After eight seasons, Game of Thrones has finally come to a close. Every storyline has come to a close, almost every question has been answered, and every character has their ending. From Jon Snow heading north of the wall, Arya heading west of Westeros, and Tyrion serving as Hand to Bran the Broken, like it or not, this is how it ends.


Ever since the show overtook the books however, there has always been the question of what came from the mind of George R.R. Martin, and what was from David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. It is well known that the author of the books gave the showrunners a loose idea of how he wants the saga to finish, D&D have been given a lot of creative control, which is not always a good thing. The entire Dorne storyline being a prime example.

When Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring are finally released, readers will no doubt recognise much of what they are reading from the show, but since there was a lot of deviation from the source material even before they surpassed the end of A Dance with Dragons, there will a lot of new material and different storylines to read as well. This will certainly include the endings of these well known characters.

5. Bronn

Bronn is the first of a few characters on this list whose role is much bigger in the show than in the books purely because of their popularity among the fans. From the first time Bronn met Tyrion and boasted of the Eyrie that he could impregnate the bitch, Jerome Flynn has done a wonderful job portraying the lovable cut-throat.


Up until he is knighted as Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, his arc in the show closely follows that of the source material, however that is where the similarities stop. In the books Bronn marries a pregnant Lollys Stokeworth, moving to the castle of the same name proving to still be a thorn in Cersei’s side, naming Lollys’ bastard child Tyrion, and deviously working his way up to Lord of Stokeworth.

Should the show have followed this path, it would have meant a lot less screen time for the fan favourite since he was no longer in King's Landing, so he was instead paired with the other Lannister brother for a few seasons. While Bronn is granted Highgarden and made Master of Coin in the show, his main contributions to the books’ narrative are finished, and while he may pester Cersei Lannister a little while longer, he certainly won’t have the same attention he received in the show.
