Game Of Thrones: 7 Most Likely Winners & Losers Of Season 6

You're in the great game now...

By Simon Gallagher /


As George RR Martin has promised over five books and five exceptional TV show seasons, All Men Must Die. With the end of Game Of Thrones advancing ominously with the irresistible force of the White Walker army, that possibility is becoming horribly close to reality. But there is time yet and significant stories left to tell before everyone but the winner of the Great Game draws their last breath.


There is still time for new players to emerge, new powers to rise as old ones fall and new potential winners to raise their heads as the many Gods claim more faces. Even with just 10 episodes in season six, there's an incredible wealth of story to come as unresolved questions see their answers, vengeance is taken and Westeros steels itself for two wars of a lifetime.

Because this is Game Of Thrones, the stakes are incredibly high and while some characters will rise up the wheel of fortune, others will fall into the depths. And it's unlikely being popular among fans will affect either the winners or the losers this season: the only thing left is to work out who'll be the biggest of each group.


First the Losers...

7 Most Likely Losers

7. The Mutinous Crows


Likely Outcome: Death by karma.


As the first trailer confirmed, when Jon Snow's body is removed from the spot he falls and Ser Davos and the few remaining men loyal to Snow's cause guard him, the crows led by Alliser Thorne go after the small party. Their attempt to break through the door will no doubt look perilously close to successful, but the revelation in the second trailer of Wun-Wun appearing at the Wall suggests things may go South for them pretty quickly.

The giant's interference might explain how Ser Davos escapes the locked room to get to the battlefield, but however it happens it seems entirely inevitable that every one of the murderous Crows will end up tasting the cold steel of karma before the end of the season.


If Ollie ends up being the last and slowest to be killed, then maybe some collateral damage along the way wouldn't be entirely untolerable.