Game of Thrones: 10 Best Moments From The Children

This was the busiest and most expansive episode of Game of Thrones this season...

By Brandon Jacobs /

It feels like no season of a television series goes by as fast as Game of Thrones does. It seems like yesterday that we were celebrating its return, and yet here we are already saying goodbye for another year. It has been quite the event filled season. We saw the introduction of Oberyn Martell only to have him ripped away all too soon. Joffrey, one of the greatest villains in television history, met his end at his own wedding, of which Tyrion was accused. The Wildings finally made a move against the Night's Watch. These are just some of the most notable moments in a season that marks the end of an era for many characters. That's the vibe this episode, appropriately titled The Children, gives off, especially in its final moments. The journeys of some of the most important characters are now in new territories, which makes the journey into season 5 that much more intriguing and exciting. The status quo is fundamentally changed. Tywin is dead and Tyrion is exiled from Westeros. Stannis Baratheon is now involved in the goings on of the Night's Watch. Arya is headed for Braavos. Bran has met the entity responsible for his visions. Sansa is buried in the conspiracies of Littlefinger in the Eyrie. So many characters are changed by the end of the finale as past generations fall to make way for the new ones. This was the busiest and most expansive episode of Game of Thrones this season, so there were a ton of incredible moments for all of the characters. Let's take a look at some, shall we? Here are the 10 best moments from the season 4 finale, The Children...