Game Of Thrones Season 3: 10 Things We Can't Wait To See

By Matt Hawker /


NOTE: Although this article will attempt to address factors that are entirely spoiler-free, there will be instances in which spoilers momentarily creep in - sorry.

As if the imminent return of HBO's Game of Thrones wasn't already enough, the recent release of the new season's first true trailer saw fans treated to a brief insight into what lies ahead. With just over a month to go until its airing, the timing of this release could not have been better. Having endured nine tediously Thrones-free months, the series' latest trailer previewed a tantalising display of fire, blood and medieval drama; set to the chillingly appropriate backdrop of MSMR's Bones.


When last we parted with the war-torn lands of Westeros, Stannis Baratheon - fresh from the murdering of his brother, Renly - had suffered a crippling defeat at the hands of Tywin Lannister. Elsewhere, the Starks lay in disarray, Dany had begun to establish herself as a force to be reckoned with, whilst the previously assumed mythical White Walkers had begun their descent from beyond the Wall. The inevitable continuation of these story lines, coupled with a host of those that are still yet to be told, will ensure that season three is the most explosive yet. As such, we take a look at what are set to be the most promising features to look forward to.

10. Wildlings

Up until now, the wildlings of Westeros have served as the series' base characters; undermined by their halfwit intelligence and Neanderthal-like appearance. In the brief instances in which their nature is divulged, they are presented as vulgar and barbaric.


However, season three will see a new dawn. The introduction of Mance Rayder - Rome's very own Ciaran Hinds - should put a stop to this negative portrayal; ending, once and for all, the days of Shagga and Timett feeding a man's delicate regions to the goats.

As the climax of the previous season revealed, the wildlings are not only set to prove the naysayers wrong, they are set to do it in unprecedented force. With the mass majority of the Night's Watch freezing behind enemy lines, only a handful of black brothers reside to man the wall. Could this season truly see the end of the Watch as we know it? Who knows. After all, it is Martin we're talking about.
