Game Of Thrones: Season 6 - 7 Clues From “Winds Of Winter" Trailer

Winter has just come.

By Simon Gallagher /

HBOThere are many, many questions to be answered in the season 6 finale: Will Cersei go full Mad Queen? Is Davos going to lose his sh*t? Why didn’t Jon try to bring Rickon back? How much Lord Of The Rings will we see adapted this time?


While the gaping maw of the post-season period (made more difficult by the threat of shorted seasons in future) is now stinging, this finale - of the greatest season yet - promises to be a hell of a thing. Whether it will be able to outdo The Battle Of The Bastards remains to be seen, but this will be an entirely different animal.

That doesn’t mean it won’t have as many teeth.


Inevitably, the threat of death hangs heavy on the air (especially since the Battle was surprisingly lenient on the dead meat characters other than Rickon), but there’s far more to see than that.

Here’s the teaser again…


And here’s what we can work out from it…


7. Loras Looks Doomed


Loras Tyrell looks more likely to accept death as his punishment rather than go through anything less. He’s been ceremonially shorn of his hair, he looks constantly in pain and someone needs to just take him out the back and wring his neck.

Unfortunately, he’s got to face the inevitable snark and prodding of the High Sparrow and the seven judges at the Sept. After they’ve further made him suffer, they’ll turn their attention to their Queen Mother.


It’s still a massive shame that they didn’t actually allow Cersei a trial by combat, and then revealed The Mountain had to fight all seven of the judges’ champions. But it can’t all be perfect.

In the prelude to that, we get “tooling up” sequences for Cersei, who is still wearing her mourning black, and looking increasingly like some sort of Fairy Tale Evil Queen…


For Margaery, getting her head done, so she looks fabulous when her duplicitousness is (potentially) uncovered and she goes back to being the conniving minx we all love…


And for Tommen, who - unlike Meatloaf - doesn’t have any limits to what he’d do for love…
