Game Of Thrones Season 7: 10 Big Questions After 'Eastwatch'

"Never betray me again."

By James Hunt /


Game of Thrones' seventh season continued its fine run of form this week with Eastwatch, an episode that, despite a lack of action, zipped by at breakneck pace and made some fairly major reveals.


In the space of a single hour we had Tyrion reunite with Jaime, Jorah reunite with Dany, and viewers reunited with Gendry four years after he last appeared. Throw in Cersei revealing she's pregnant, Littlefinger and Arya scheming against one another, Gilly casually dropping new R+L=J info, and Jon petting a dragon then heading to Eastwatch and assembling Westeros' Magnificent Seven, and it's enough to make your head start spinning.

It served almost like a premiere episode of sorts, setting the stage for the final two instalments, starting with next week's Death Is The Enemy - which is sure to see said enemy claim a few heroic lives.


With all that going on, and just two episodes now remaining in Season 7 (*gulp*), Eastwatch leaves behind some wonderful character moments, big plot developments, and a boatload of questions (even if we almost certainly won't like some of the answers).