Game Of Thrones Season 7: 8 Things You Might've Missed In 'Beyond The Wall'

"Gingers are beautiful. We are kissed by fire."

By James Hunt /


After the setup of Eastwatch, Beyond The Wall picked up with the seven heroes in the eponymous setting and gave us one of the most divisive spectacles of the series to date.


For every one-liner that's destined to be printed on a t-shirt, there's an argument about fan service. For every stunning shot of a dragon breathing fire over a frozen lake, there's a debate to be had about deus ex machinas, deeply flawed logic, and just how fast everything is happening.

Beyond The Wall was an instalment absolutely stuffed with character, action, major developments, and, yes, issues. Thoros died, Jon killed a White Walker, the Night King took Viserion to his side, and Benjen arrived just in time to save his nephew's life, before dying for good. It may not have all made sense, but it was great to watch in the heat (or cold) of the moment.


And as it flew by faster than a raven on its way to Dragonstone, and our heart rates soared and then sunk like a dragon, there were a lot of details, references, and callbacks (like the mountain from the Hound's vision shown in the trailers) it was easy to miss amongst the ice and fire.