Game Of Thrones Season 7: Will We Get The First Full Trailer Tomorrow?

Trailer Is Coming?

By James Hunt /

Helen Sloan/HBO

As we very slowly edge towards that July 16 air date, the wait for Game of Thrones Season 7 becomes ever more unbearable.


With the series taking even longer to return, it also means its longer than usual for a first full-length trailer to arrive. While we've had a poster, a couple of teasers, and a bunch of still images (some of which are rather intriguing), they don't sate the thirst for nor build hype in the same way a trailer does. But when can we expect it?

While conceivably HBO could drop the trailer at any time and set the internet ablaze, there is a reason to believe it might be coming very soon. As in, tomorrow.


This is a lot of speculation I'll admit, but consider the release dates of marketing so far: The Sigils teaser was released on Thursday March 9; exactly three weeks later, on Thursday March 30, the Long Walk teaser was released; exactly three weeks after that, on Thursday April 20, we got the new images.

In keeping with that schedule, then, the next look at Season 7 - and logic suggests it'll be a trailer, given we've had two teasers - would be Thursday May 11, aka tomorrow.


There could of course be nothing in that release pattern, but it feels too neat to ignore, when so much money is spent on marketing, and so much care and planning goes into it. We've also had a lot of other trailers dropping recently, from The Defenders to Orange is the New Black, Wonder Woman to Blade Runner 2049, so it's definitely the season for it.

On the flip side, it's probably folly to try and predict when a trailer will be released, and it's a lot earlier - in relation to air date - than the first Season 6 trailer, but then there's a good chance they'll want to show something sooner on account of the later release date.


So yeah, it's a hunch and speculation, but there is basis for the first trailer arriving tomorrow. We can but hope.

What do you want to see in the first Season 7 trailer? Let us know down in the comments.
