Game Of Thrones Season 8: 7 Possibilities For Jon & Daenerys' Relationship

A Song of Ice and Fire...

By Joe Fish /

The season seven finale of Game of Thrones left us with as many questions as it did answers.


It was revealed that not only is Jon Snow* definitely the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, but that he is also the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, because his parents were married in a secret ceremony in Dorne (after Rhaegar’s marriage to Elia Martell was annulled).

*We also learned that Jon’s real name is Aegon Targaryen. For the purposes of this article, he is going to be referred to by the bastard name by which we have come to love him.

The brains trust that is Bran and Samwell Tarly came to this astonishing realisation while Jon was surrendering to his romantic urges with Daenerys, who is his aunt (unbeknownst to him). She also believes it is her birthright and destiny to rule the Seven Kingdoms.

You can see why there are major questions to answer. Jon and Dany are completely unaware of their family ties as they plot wars with the dead and the living. So just how will Bran’s bombshell impact their relationship and the wider fate of Westeros in season eight?

7. As You Were

Why does anything need to change? It might be very icky to all outside of Westeros, but incest has been a common theme in Game of Thrones, and in the Targaryen family.


Jaime and Cersei Lannister set the tone with their opening-episode fumble and have been one of the central love stories throughout the entire seven seasons. When Jaime was on the road, Cersei shared a bed with her cousin Lancel Lannister. Jaime and Cersei themselves are the result of a marriage of incest - their father Tywin and his first cousin, Joanna Lannister.

Cersei cited the long history of Targaryen incest as she attempted to justify her relationship with Jaime to Ned Stark in season one: "The Targaryens wed brothers and sisters for three hundred years.” King Aerys Targaryen II, the Mad King, married his own sister, Queen Rhaella Targaryen, making Jon’s Snow’s father Rhaegar, and Dany herself, products of incest.

Basically, anyone who’s anyone in Game of Thrones has got down and dirty with a family member at one point, so why should the dragon and the wolf concern themselves with the opinions of the sheep?
