Game Of Thrones Season 8: 8 Criticisms Which Are Fully Unjustified

Petition??? You could have spent that time writing it yourself!

By Ash Jacob /

Game of Thrones is not perfect. Season 8 was not perfect. If it was perfect, it wouldn't have had that ludicrous showdown and resulting closing line between Jaime and Euron in episode 5. But given the jaw-dropping awesomeness of everything else in the series, all is forgiven... Right?


Or 'not' in the case of the internet. Differing opinions on the quality of entertainment are a welcome factor. But with each passing week, the criticism towards Thrones' six-episode finale had mutated, ironically, into a sort of mob baying for blood, which no show is deserving of no matter how terrible it is. And here's the reality: Season 8 may not have been the outcome everyone wanted, but 'terrible' is a strong word and this wasn't it.

So let's consider the most popular criticisms, and why they were blown out of proportion. No single person on this earth is foolish for disagreeing with this list, but with so much bad press, it's only fair that some counter-arguments are put into effect to stop GOT's epic closure from being remembered, rather unfairly and one-sidedly, as something it wasn't.

8. Arya's Kill List Was Wasted Potential

Predictability has never been a bedfellow to Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire, so there you go.


According to critics, Arya's long-running hit-list went out the window in Season 8, solely because of bad writing. But this was really not the case.

If Arya had managed to assassinate Gregor Clegane, we wouldn't have had the sublimely shot and amply visceral Clegane-bowl stand-off between him and his bro in Episode 5. If Arya had managed to assassinate Cersei Lannister, we wouldn't have seen her resolve crumble into a child-like panic during the decimation of King's Landing. These things were more favourable turnouts because, a straight kill is a straight kill, and ultimately, it isn't that interesting, especially when carried out from a pre-determined list.

What was Arya doing at those precise moments? She was toggling numerous acts of heroism with a personal struggle for survival during a horrific war setting. Her steady resolve and devout training as silent assassin was instantly useless to her, as was the collected internal promise of a fantasy kill list...

Which, as far as her character was concerned, was a hell of a lot more three-dimensional.
