Game Of Thrones Season 8: 8 Criticisms Which Are Fully Unjustified

7. The Lighting In The Long Night Was Bad

Game Of Thrones Jaime Criticisms

It was less the fact that the lighting was sparse, and more that many devices struggled with it, which is a shame. People shouldn't have to painstakingly re-jig their settings in preparation, and not everyone can enjoy the privilege of owning top-range entertainment technology...

However, the records must be set straight that the low light in Winterfell's most colossal battle wasn't an error in production, but fully intentional. This was professional cinematography crafted for a flagship HBO show, so everyone seriously needs to believe that fact.

The challenge in producing this episode would have been to convey the Night King's intention to plunge humanity into darkness, whilst retaining enough visibility for all of us living to view the outcome. All things considered, the balance between these two contradictory elements was struck rather wisely. Facial expressions, flaming props and the canyon-sized quantities of red stuff were all crystal clear. They were simply intermingled within a frenzy of carnage and confusion inside a shroud of perpetual nothingness which was, at that point in the story, everything beyond the walls of Winterfell.

No escape, only increasing claustrophobia, Anything brighter may well have destroyed that sensation.


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