Game Of Thrones: The Meaning Behind Every Episode Title (Season 1)

They're not as literal as you think...

By Callum Buchanan /

Game of Thrones is well known for its thoroughly in-depth mythology and deep underlying meaning found in all aspects of the show. This is even the case for the titles of the episodes, with each one being a semi-cryptic look into the content of the episode and its further implications on the shows story arc as a whole. However, some of the meanings behind the titles are not as clear as others, and most have multiple; here is the meaning behind every episode title in season 1, and any possible underlying significance it has on the series as a whole, as well as a few other details we picked up on along the way. Although it is probably apparent from the title, this article contains spoilers for the first season of Game of Thrones, but no spoilers for any further episodes, so feel free to read on up to as far as you have seen, otherwise be warned€

Episode 1 €“ Winter Is Coming

A simple enough place to start, the first episodes title €œWinter is Coming€ is the motto of House Stark, the main protagonists of the series. This motto refers to the idea that they must be prepared for winter at all times, which, in the GOT universe, can last for a generation and, due to the Starks being from the North, affects them the most. George R.R. Martin has also suggested a less literal meaning for the motto; as a more general warning to be prepared for troubling times in life. The episode title may also be foreshadowing the return of the white walkers, a race of mythical creatures who are shown to have returned in the opening scene of the episode. Interestingly, as well as having the motto €œWinter is Coming€, the House Stark also has a grey direwolf as their sigil, and in this episode a grey direwolf is found dead, having been killed by a Stag, the sigil of the house Baratheon - We€™ll let you draw your own conclusions on any underlying meaning this may have€