Game Of Thrones: The Meaning Behind Every Episode Title (Season 1)

Episode 2 €“ The Kingsroad

The Kingsroad is the name of the largest road in the GOT universe, running from The Great Castle of Storm€™s End, through King€™s Landing, all the way North to Castle Black at the Wall, and is the setting for the majority of the events of the episode. The road is used by the Royal party, including Ned Stark and his daughters, to travel south from Winterfell, to the capital city, King€™s Landing. It is here that Joffrey attacks the butchers boy and then Arya, before being mauled by Arya€™s Direwolf, Nymeria. The road is simultaneously used by Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, and Benjen Stark, travelling North to Castle Black, where Jon hopes to join the Night€™s Watch.

Callum Buchanan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.