Game Of Thrones: The Meaning Behind Every Episode Title (Season 2)

Easter eggs in the most obvious place.

By Callum Buchanan /

A continuation of the previous article: "Game Of Thrones: The Meaning Behind Every Episode Title (Season 1)", but this time (as expected from the title) giving the meaning behind the second season's episode titles. If you haven't read the previous article and would like to, you can find it here. Keeping in line with the last article, there are no spoilers for anything further ahead than the page you are reading, so if you have not seen all of the second season feel free to read right up to the latest episode you have watched. As with the first season, most of these titles are a bit more cryptic than they seem at first glance, with some having no real explanation of their meaning in the tv series at all, either by accident, or as a reference for fans of the novels to pick up on. Either way, if exposition be the food of fans, read on...