Game Of Thrones: The Meaning Behind Every Episode Title (Season 2)

Episode 1 €“ The North Remembers

The opening episode of the second season focuses mainly on setting up the different factions claiming the Iron throne to be rightfully theirs. The primary meaning behind the phrase €˜The North Remembers€™ relates to the North€™s (specifically the Stark€™s) promise of revenge on the Lannisters for the beheading of Ned Stark on the order of Joffrey. The phrase relates to Robb Stark specifically, who leads an army against the Lannisters, demanding the North becomes an independent kingdom from Lannister rule, and that his two captive sisters and their father€™s remains are returned.This phrase is used repeatedly in later novels in the series as a warning, in a similar vein to "Winter Is Coming", which was also the title of the first episode of the previous season. Another meaning for the title, in the context of the episode, may be in reference to the wildlings, who live north of the wall, and who are prohibited from traveling south of the wall. This episode is the first time The King of the North€™s plans to travel south with an army of wildlings has been mentioned, so the title may also be foreshadowing this attack, believed by some to be an act of vengeance for their permanent exile from Westeros.

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