Game Of Thrones: The Meaning Behind Every Episode Title (Season 3)

Part 3 of our ongoing series.

By Callum Buchanan /

As can be expected from the title, this is a continuation of the previous two articles, explaining the meaning behind the episode titles for each season of Game Of Thrones, this time for season 3. If you haven't read both of the previous articles, and would like to, you can find the articles for Season One here, and Season Two here. The episode titles in Game Of Thrones are not as literal as you'd expect, and in some cases are not even in a real language, so the meaning behind them can be fairly difficult to discern. However, not to worry, now you don't need to learn High Valyrian in order to unlock the meaning of these titles, as this article explains (and translates, where necessary) the titles and their overall relevance to the show as a whole for you. As with the last two articles, there are no spoilers for anything further ahead than the page you are reading, so if you have not seen all of the third season feel free to read right up to the latest episode you have watched.