Game Of Thrones: Season 4 Death Watch (Breaker Of Chains)

There's a lot of cannibalism going around now...

By Baz Greenland /

Here at Whatculture, our season four death watch continues. Just two episodes in, we've already had one big turning point in the show with the death of villainous King Joffrey at the 'Purple Wedding'. It put episode two up there with the infamous ninth episodes which Game Of Thrones does so well, but it hasn't ended there; Daenerys marches on Mereen a confident queen in her own right, Arya and The Hound have become unlikely, bloodthirsty companions on the road and the wildlings are marching on the Wall. Things are continuing to hot up and season four looks to be the best yet. After 'The Lion and The Rose' this week's 'Breaker Of Chains' began a smaller in scale, but became no less epic as it unfolded. Picking up immediately with the opening shot of Joffrey dead in Cersei's arms and Tyrion arrested, the world came to grips with the death of another king on the iron throne and as we soon learned that one man's death was just the tip of the iceberg to come. Two main themes ran through the episode this week; fear and uncertainty. Characters began to wonder where they go from here. After the Red and Purple Weddings, there was a sense that everything was at a turning point and that greater dangers awaited them. It's no coincidence that there was talk of wildings, ironborn and Daenerys Targaryen's dragons in a week where everyone is re-evaluating their place in the world. So click 'Next' to start our death watch as we look at the death, hero and villain of the week...