Games Of Thrones Season 4: 20 Most Hotly Anticipated Moments

The new season is almost upon us, and typically, there are going to be some incredible moments to keep you gripped.

By Brandon Jacobs /

There really isn€™t much more anyone can say about the intense popularity of HBO€™s Game of Thrones that hasn€™t already been said a million times. Based on The Song Of Ice and Fire series of books by George R.R. Martin, in just three years it has captured the attention of a huge portion of the television watching population, even beyond the usual limits of fantasy properties. More importantly, it has been one more step in ushering in the age of the geek; where high fantasy has become part of mass consumer culture. There are many reasons why this is the case: there is the ever-increasing cast full of complex and interesting characters, the political intrigue and manoeuvring framed by an overarching mystery of magic and danger, and just the overall sense of time and place foreign and familiar. However, what really makes Game of Thrones worthy entertainment is the events that propel the story forward. Anyone who has read the books knows that they are full of jaw-dropping and game changing moments. While those who only watch the show get their enjoyment from witnessing these unexpected moments for the first time, part of the enjoyment for book readers is seeing these moments finally brought to life on screen. The upcoming season four is based roughly on the last half of A Storm Of Swords, the third book in the series. It is almost universally considered the best of the books by fans precisely because it contains the most major events of the series so far. The last half in particular has so many things going on that by the end the dynamic of the series is shifted dramatically. As such, forth season is also poised to accomplish the same effect, and so naturally it is arguably considered the most highly anticipated season to date. So with all that in mind, we€™ve gathered the 20 most hotly anticipated moments expected to play out this season. These are moments that we just can€™t wait to see, both from the books and invented for the show itself. Before clicking next, just know that from this point this is spoiler heavy material. If you have not read the books and want to go in this season knowing nothing, please do not read any further. With that warning out of the way, here we go.