Gotham: 10 Future Villains We Want To See

It's time we saw Black Mask transformed to a live-action environment.

By Geoff Cox /

Perhaps one of the biggest selling points for Fox's freshman Gotham series is its promise to explore the corrupt city and the people within it at a time before Bruce Wayne appeared as the Caped Crusader. Villains who have challenged him time and time again all had to start somewhere, crafted and warped by their upbringings, uncontrollable circumstances or otherwise, and Gotham offers viewers the opportunity to see many of them long before they become the easily recognizable figures they are. So far, the show has introduced a number of characters big and small from Batman's rogues gallery, from crime lords like Sal Maroni and Carmine Falcone, future supervillians like Oswald Cobblepot and Edward Nigma and, of course, a young Selina Kyle, with confirmed future appearances by other characters like Harvet Dent, Victor Zsasz and Thomas Elliot along with the long-term tease of the Joker. Suffice it to say, Gotham shows no signs of shying away from bringing many more into the fold as it chugs along. Without the presence of Batman in the show, there are certain characters we can understand the show skirting around this early in its run; for instance, having Ra's al Ghul come in to threaten Gotham seems "too big" of an issue to be dealt with without the Dark Knight around. On the other hand, it's just a matter of time that logical, pre-supervillain appearances occur by popular characters in some way, like Victor Fries as a researcher at Wayne Industries or Harleen Quinzell as an Arkham intern. With this list, we'll take a look at 10 of Batman's future enemies who could fit into the show's world as active players long before the arrival of the Dark Knight and offer up possibilities as to how they can be weaved in.