Gotham TV Series: 10 Reasons It Can Tie-In To The DC Universe

By Dan Wilson /

So in the past few weeks, we've learned quite a bit about what DC has in store for television audiences in the future. Of course we already have the TV interpretation of Green Arrow on The CW, and we've already learned of the the plans for a Flash series (Who will be introduced on Arrow, played by Glee's Grant Gustin). Now in the past, DC has tried several different projects on different networks to no avail. Wonder Woman was set up at NBC before it tanked. Smallville's, Aquaman spin-off (Mercy Reef) couldn't find it's home either. There were also talks for a while of a show that centered on Dick and The Graysons. Maybe they are just setting themselves up to fail again, but would we could also be in for a bit of a surprise. It seems that NBC really wants a comic book property to come their way. With Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., I can't even begin to blame the one bit. So it was announced just a few days ago that a project based on the John Constantine character is being set-up at the network. Could be a great fit for a slot just behind Dracula for the 2014-2015 season. Still where does all of this leave us? Well it seems like we might be getting ourselves a bit of a shared Universe. If not, I think somebody really needs to check DC's pulse. It seems implausible to think that the idea isn't at least fermenting. Now, I would also say that a potential DC Shared Universe will only exist on the small-screen. It just would seem to mesh (or make sense) to mix the movies with TV. The next Superman movie will be introducing a tired and battle-worn Batman, while the Gotham series doesn't have him even in existence yet. Also can't see DC casting two separate actors to play the same character at different ages. With that out of the way, how about we take a look at some of the reasons "Gotham" belongs in the DC Universe.