Killing Eve: Villanelle's Top 10 Kills

From McQueen to murder, it's all in a days work for Killing Eve's Villanelle.

By Charlotte De Placido /

There's only one thing that Killing Eve's Villanelle enjoys more than luxurious apartments and calculating mind games, and that's extravagant murder.


BBC America's award-winning comedy-drama first appeared on our screens in 2018 and was renewed for a fourth season before season three even aired.

The show masterfully combines humour and suspense throughout the story of a complex relationship between an international Russian assassin and a smart but jaded American MI5 agent.

From murder in plain sight to inventive and elaborate assassination plots, it's often Villanelle's imaginative dedication to her job which provides many of the critically acclaimed show's most unforgettable moments.

10. Kasia Molkovska

This was an early, off-screen murder, but an important one.


This is the moment when Eve follows her hunches to a hospital to visit Kasia Molkovska, a surviving witness to a Villanelle murder. Only when Eve reaches Kasia, she finds her choking on her own blood, and her guards bodies strewn across the floor.

It then dawns on Eve that the sweet young woman who just gave her a hair tip in the bathroom was actually the assassin behind all the deaths. Cue the start of Eve's obsession.
