Legion: 25 WTF Moments From Season 1

Let's just say that narrowing these down was hard.

By Noah Dominguez /

Let's not mince words: Legion is weird. In fact, it's not only weird; it's really weird.


If you're a follower of the X-Men spin-off show that first came out back in February, then you are undoubtedly aware of how apologetically bizarre it can be. To be frank, if you were to list every single moment from season one alone that was strange, creepy, confounding, uncomfortable or otherwise eyebrow-raising, you could probably mass-produce trading cards out of them.

For this list, however, we'll be focusing on the weirdest of the weird. The moments that are outlandish even by this show's standards. After all, after a certain point, the bizarre becomes the norm in this show; but even so, it still manages to surprise you with moments that perplex you, catch you off guard, disgust you, and sometimes all of the above.

They really pulled out all the stops for this one - and then made contemporary art out of the stops before banishing them to another dimension, where they are now used as musical instruments.

25. "How Do You Feel?"

Legion certainly wasted no time in getting bizarre; as one of the very first sequences we're treated to in Chapter 1 is a dream/flashback of our hero, David.


In this flashback, we see things that will be explained later, but are completely out of context and make no sense do to the fact that the show literally just started. While David tosses and turns in bed, we see him eating audio tape with a demented look on his face, him in the middle of an explosion of food and kitchen appliances, a glass frog blowing out smoke, and a creepy man standing expressionless among some vines. All the while, an echoing voice constantly repeats the question: "How do you feel?"

Then, as David wakes up, his bed levitates off the ground before crashing down onto the floor, breaking. He is then rushed by orderlies of the psyche ward he lives in and his force-fed medication as he attempts to plea with them that everything is alright.

It seems that Legion's main goal at times is to confuse the audience, and this sequence did just that right off the bat.
