Orange Is The New Black: 10 Best Moments From Season 3

"It’s not just sex. It’s love. It’s two people connecting. With four other people. And aliens.”

By James Hunt /

You wait a year for a new episode of Orange Is The New Black, and then 13 arrive at once. The episode-dump model of Netflix is a blessing and a curse. It€™s great to have the new content to get into, but then before you know it you€™ve become a prisoner to your TV, watching episode-after-episode without being able to stop and they all sort of blend into one. It becomes instead a series of memorable moments, scenes and quotes that are destined to be remembered and shared, even if you can€™t pinpoint whether they came in episode four or five. That was again the case in its third season, which saw the show once more expand on the stories it tells. If season 1 was about Piper, and season 2 was about how each inmate dealt with the threat of Vee, then this one - in the absence of a main antagonist - is truly about all of the characters and their relationships. That meant a lot of excellent interactions, conflict, growth, and - when the show allowed it - moments of happiness. They were very well spread out across the season, which was well-paced to suit the binge-watching model, and led to a number of great moments throughout. Here€™s a look at 10 of the best€