Orange Is The New Black: Top 10 Moments Of Season 3

From the hilarious to the heartbreaking and everything in between.

By Mavra Choudhry /

As unanimously adored as the first two seasons of the Netflix original series were by viewers and critics alike, Season Three dropped last month to decidedly mixed reviews from fans of the show. Indeed, the way the newest season of Orange Is The New Black was structured, without a real central conflict, had even the most dedicated binge-watchers blink blearily by the end of episode 13 with a single thought in mind: €œwait€ that€™s it?€ While Season Two had the deliciously hateable new inmate Vee and the over-arching conflict with Red that managed to divide all of Litchfield to give the storyline cohesion while exploring the individual stories of many inmates, Season Three instead decided to focus on the latter, with many small €“ but, as usual, fascinating and well-wrought €“ stories instead of a larger one, with the except of the overarching MCC storyline. The intent was apparent: to make humans out of the inmates while tackling the more insidious evil of corporate greed and America€™s prison-industrial complex. While ambitious and at times well-written, it made for a slightly anticlimactic season with many threads of stories that were started but never quite woven together to create a finished piece or coherent message. That being said, Orange Is The New Black€™s Season Three was not without its better moments €“ both hilarious and heartbreaking in their turn, reflecting the show€™s unique brand of storytelling €“ with small scenes showcasing the best and funniest of everybody€™s favourite inmates that served to remind viewers of what truly makes this show special.