Predicting The Fate Of Every Avenger Announced In The Disney+ TV Shows

Marvel just cannot let the Avengers live happily ever after, can they?

By Liam Clark /

Death is a common occurrence in the superhero medium. Heroes and villains alike are constantly biting the bullet for a variety of different reasons. Whether it is a heroic sacrifice, or simply because an actor wants to move onto other career prospects, heroes are constantly being killed off on the big screen.


There have been five Avengers announced to be appearing in the upcoming slate of Disney+ series slated to be released, which includes The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, WandaVision, Hawkeye, and Loki. Each character have been side characters in the past, with these characters finally getting a chance in the spotlight.

However, as Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame proved, anyone can die at anytime. Even thought the five Avengers will be the stars of their respective series, Marvel has shown in the past that the audience should expect the unexpected, and that no one is safe.

With that knowledge, it is highly likely that one or more of our favourite heroes will bite the dust in the upcoming shows. Here are some predictions on which Avengers will make it through their respective Disney+ appearances, and which characters are likely to face the cruel hand of death.

5. Hawkeye - Lives

Hawkeye has had a lengthy run in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as he was one of the six original members of the Avengers. Renner's character first appeared back in 2011's Thor film in a cameo, meaning by the time the show lands, Renner will have been playing the character for over a decade.


The actor may want to retire from the role, and it is possible with the show heavily involving Kate Bishop that the original Hawkeye could be killed, with Bishop taking up the mantle in his honour.

While Barton did not make an appearance in Avengers: Infinity War, the character was given his due in Avengers: Endgame, receiving a vast amount of screen time. Hawkeye was also spared when retrieving the Soul Stone, as the writers elected to sacrifice Black Widow instead.

This would seemingly confirm that Marvel see Renner's character as a part of their future. While the actor is likely to minimise his role within the MCU in the future, it is unlikely that the studio elects to kill off Barton, considering they have already removed three of the six original Avengers from the playing field.

The more likely outcome will be that Barton will "retire", and either make small appearances across potential future seasons of the series, or small roles in future movie projects. If Renner is ready to hang up the bow for good, expect a peaceful ending where he heads off into the sunset with his family, content that he has trained Bishop to be a serviceable Hawkeye.

The latter story choice would also fit into the character's story arc from Avengers: Endgame, as he could elect to spend more time with his family due to them being snapped in the opening scene of the film, leading him down his dark path as Ronin.
